- What is Endometriosis?
- Presence of endometrial tissue (The lining of uterus) outside the uterine cavity is called “Endometriosis.”
- Common site:
- Endometrial tissue -The lining of uterus grows on ovaries, fallopian tubes, tissue lining that holds uterus in place, outer surface of the uterus. Growth can also establish on vagina bladder bowel or rectum.
- Rare Site:
- Serosal surface large & small intensive
- Urethras & Bladder
- Vagina
- Any surgical scar
- Rarely → plural cavity
- AGE:
- Disease usually starts in the mid 30`s with close association with Infertility and as a part of manipulative and Invasive procedures of Infertility Investigations.
- It regresses during pregnancy.
- It regresses during Menopause.
- Causes:
- The actual cause of endometriosis is unknown but following factors could be causing endometriosis in some women
- Retrograde menstruation-Menstrual blood containing womb lining flows backwards, out through the fallopian tubes and into pelvic cavity instead of out of the body. These womb linings stick to the pelvic walls & surface of the pelvic organs, where they grow and continue to thicken and bleed over time of each menstrual cycle.
- Metaplasia
- Metaplasia is transformation of peritoneal cells. Hormones or immune factors encourage transformation of peritoneal cells. (Inner side of your abdominal cells changes in to endometrial like cells.)
- Researchers believe hormones such as oestrogen may transform cells in the earliest stage of development – When the baby’s womb(uterus) is first forming.
- Immune system Disorder
- Some women have problems with immune system so body becomes unable to recognize and destroy endometrial like tissue that is growing outside the uterus.
- Inherited Dyscrasias…. like.
- Thyroid Crisis
- Allergies—Hay Fever, Vasomotor Rhinitis, Asthma
- Long History of Abdominal and Digestion problem
- Pathological Changes.
- Hyperplasia of the endometrial tissues and cysts in ovaries, adheres to intestine, Fallopian Tubes and surroundings.
- Hyperplasia within the uterus results into Adhesions, Blocked Fallopian Tubes and sometime resulting into Hydro salpinx
- Signs & symptoms:
- Pain Symptoms – Painful Period (Dysmenorrhoea) Pain in lower back,
- Leg Pain, Pain on ovulation,
- Painful intercourse (Dyspareunia)
- Severe Pelvic Pain with Colic.
- During periods pain with bowel movement
- During periods pain with urination
- Bleeding Symptoms – Heavy periods sometimes with clots
- Bleeding between periods
- Prolong bleeding.
- Bleeding from bowel
- Infertility
- Other Symptoms – Tiredness / Lack of energy
- Diarrhoea, Constipation, Bloating,
- Nausea during periods
- Complication
- Alteration in Tubal motility. Grate alteration occurs in Muco-ciliary lining of the tube; ciliary movements get affected seriously.
- Chronic inflammation of fallopian Tube.
- Distortion of fallopian tube and ovaries relation
- (Causing) Impaired follicle transfer through Tubes
- Abnormally raising level of Prostaglandin.
- Pelvic Adhesion
- Injury to cell Mediated Gamete.
- Increased presence of auto antibodies
- Increased presence of Anti-endometrial Antibodies.
- Impaired Folliculogenesis →Leading to cyst
- Un rupture follicle syndrome
- Luteal phase Deficiency
- Enhanced Phagocytosis of Sperm
- Hyper Prolactinaemia
- Difficult Nidation or Implantation
- Psychological:
- Emotional Factors
- Latent Fear- of sexual Act
- ExploitationGeneral:
- Low Immunity
- Fertility Drugs induced during treatment
- Over stimulations of the Ovaries
- Diagnosis made easier by —
- History taking and Physical Examination →Pelvic Exam: P/V-P/R
- USG-Ultrasound
- Laparoscopy
- Biopsy
- Barium Enema
- I.V.P, (Intra venous pyelography)
- I.V. Urogram
- M.R.I.
- Serum Markers—C.A.125
- Anti-endometrial Anti-body test.
- AGGRAVATION: Usually occurs:
- Before, During and After Menstruation
- PAIN gets Worsen with time and
- Regresses with the advancement of age.
- It regresses during pregnancy and after menopause.
- Down the Thighs
- Dyspareunia (painful intercourse)
- Dyschaesia (pain while defecation)
- Dysuria (painful urination)
- Dyspepsia – Colitis- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Derangement in normal patho-physiology- i.e. Adhesions
- Fibrosis
- Hydrosalpinx
- REGRESSION: Endometriosis regresses during……
- Pregnancy
- Lactation and after
- Menopause
Any views or advice obtained from this website should not be taken as a substitute for medical advice or treatment. I strongly recommend that if you are aware of or suffer from a specific health complaint you should always take expert advice. You should maintain your relationship with your GP or Consultant as Homeopathy & conventional medicine can be integrated when necessary to provide complementary services.
- Endometriosis is an “osis” which means that it is a SYCOTIC!!
- As endometriosis itself a complicated condition where approach to treatment is observed under….
- Masmatic
- Constitutional and
- Pathological aspects.
- Evaluating Psycho somatic ways
- STAPHYSAGRIA (stavesacre)
- (Psycho) –Psychological Symptoms of Staphys.
- Ill effect of anger and Insults resulting into irritability which reflects on Hormonal Imbalance. (Suppression)
- Hormonal Imbalance leads to malfunction of the organs
- Violent outburst of passions.
- Here prostaglandin is lowering the Immunological Resistance.
- (Somatic or Corporeal) —Pathological Symptoms of Staphys.
- Colic after Anger.
- Severe pain following an Abdominal Procedure or Operation.? Iatrogenic- Bad effect of surgery.
- Hypersensitivity….
- Parts are overly sensitive to touch. (so, manipulations during laparoscopic examination results into Irritability and produces inflammation) Regurgitation And colic and severe abdominal discomfort after Investigative procedures, hence this remedy is useful in –Bad Effects of Surgery.
- Urinary Bladder is overly sensitive with Inflammation.
- Inflammation of the ovaries.
- Very Heavy Irregular Menses – mostly comes late.
- THUJA (Arbor Vitae)
- Miasm: Sycotic
- (Psycho) Psychological Symptoms of Thuja
- Highly Emotional and Sensitiveness
- Thinking of herself as – Made up of Glass—FRAGILE!!
- Can not tolerate rough handling by spouse.
- Sensation of being frail…made up of glass…Fragile.
- Low self esteem…Feeling of worthlessness. Feels unattractive—Becomes Cosmetic Conscious.
- Feels as if Soul and Body were separated.
- Emotional Sensitiveness………….
- Music makes her to cry. Weep
- (Somatic or Corporeal)—Pathological Symptoms of Thuja.
- ILL EFFECTS of Vaccination… (Threat to Immunity?)
- Vagina: Overly Sensitive…Vaginismus.
- Menses Scanty, Retarded with the Pain in Left Iliac Fossa and Left Ovary……worst on Left Side. (ADHESION)
- Profuse Leucorrhoea.
- Abdomen: Distended—Rumbling and Colic.
- < at every Menstrual Cycle
- Constipation with Violent Rectal Pain. Dyschaesia
- THIOSINAMINUM (Chemical Derived From the oil of Mustard seeds)
- It is a Resolvent for dissolving scar tissues, tumours, glands, strictures, ADHESIONS, Fibroids.
- It is extremely useful Medicines for dissolving ENDOMETRIAL SCAR tissues.
- CARCINOSIN—-the Nosode.
- When well selected remedy fails to work on Endometriosis
- Strong Family History of CARCINOMA.
- Carcinoma of the Uterus, Mammary Glands with Pain, and Induration.
- All the discharges are very Offensive.
- Helps to build up the Immunity in Cancerous Cachexia.
- Restoring back the Hair after chemotherapy.
- When Endometriosis turns to Cancerous Changes.
This is a general
Homeopathic Overview about Endometriosis.